Sunday, May 3, 2009

Milk, Bowling & Weekly Question

Hey All.  Sorry I've been MIA, we've been knee deep in preparing for our big move to the South.  I have a feeling I'm going to be coming up with a LOT more frugal ideas now that I know what our Grad School budget is.  Oye.  Here's two ideas for this week:

-Re-using milk.  It may sound gross but it'll save you on average 2-5 cups of milk a week, depending on how much you drink milk.  I've found my kids don't always drink their entire cup of milk nor finish the milk in their bowl.  What I've started doing is creating two "leftover cups" in the fridge.  One that holds the milk they didn't finish drinking, one holds the milk from the cereal.  Usually I can't get my husband or kids (or even myself...) to actually drink the milk but I've been able to re-use the milk when feeding my kids cereal, making oatmeal, even baking.  It may sound gross but as long as your child/husband is healthy re-using it should be just fine and dandy!  If you're really worried then use it to make oatmeal and boil the milk before hand, making sure the germs are out.   It's been great for us, I've extended our gallon of milk at least a half a week longer.  May not be much but over the extensino of a year it adds up to at least 3 gallons of milk saved!

-Kids Bowl Free!  This program hasn't hit Utah yet, but it's alive and well in most other states.  

They send you a weekly coupon that is good for children under the age of 15 to bowl free every day from May 1-August 31.  I haven't yet signed up so I'm not sure what the fee is for parents, but if you're looking for a free activity for your children it's a great option!!! 

Weekly Question:

We're moving cross country here in a month.  We're trying to figure out how to cut costs with driving over 2,000 miles.  One idea I've proposed is to determine our path based on where friends/family live so we can stay for free with them.  My husband thinks that's a little too moochy-moochy.  Thoughts?  Would you be offended if someone called you and asked if they could crash on your couch for a night while they are driving?  What other ideas do you fabulous people have for cutting moving costs?


  1. I think it's ok. There might be a possibility that we might be moving from the south to Utah. (we are waiting to hear from a job out there). And we know we can stay with my aunt in Dallas and I might even think about seeing if we would be able to stay at my friend's parents house (whom I've never met) in Denver. Hotels are expensive!

  2. If someone called me I would love for them to stay! Not mooching. We have made that move twice now. We also took a cooler and stopped at grocery stores to buy the fixings for sandwiches, and snacks. Way cheaper than eating out and time is shorter spent. We did however plan for a meal out, because face it sometimes you just want something good and hot. Moving across country is tiring and you need to take that break. I also made a homemade car bingo game for the kids, and went to the dollar store for fun little things to do on the way. Don't give them out all at once and introduce a new activity when you feel the kids getting restless. We also have two way radio's between the car and the truckL(as opposed to cell phones). That way the kids could play on them too. It was fun to make up trucker names for each car or person. I loved driving across country. I love seeing different parts of the country and enjoyed pointing out different things to the kids. (ie corn fields as far as the eye can see, bent trees from the wind in Nebraska, you get the picture. Good luck and try to enjoy the small stuff and not get overwhelmed by the hole stress of it.

  3. totally ok and not moochy! i think in general people like to feel like they can help out. also- we found out, after we moved, it would have been the same price we paid to rent and drive a truck to hire ABS shippers. you pack the truck and they drive it for you. just in case you're looking at options.

  4. Staying with people can be a bit tricky... I can relate to Van's concern, however, I have done it on that long drive. You really have to consider if going one way just to save one night at a hotel is really cheaper (money and energy) because it is a LONG drive. Adding distance to avoid a hotel stay is only worthwhile if you can do it all along the way, rather than just one night.

    In my experience of road trips with kids (I have more experience than I'd like:) it is best to be prepared for anything. Going to the grocery store before you leave and getting snacks is much cheaper than even stopping at one on the road because you're stressed, the kids are with you, etc. Build little packs that you can distribute throughout the drive... that way you can just give it to them and not worry too much about it until the next distribution.

    A good idea for a travel kit for J is to use a cookie sheet and have magnets put on a notebook for drawing, that way she can have markers (or whatever) in the tray and not sliding out of her reach. You can also build little magnet puzzles if you're up to that. Keeping the kiddos entertained is essential on a road trip of that magnitude. :)

    And if you're driving through Texas, feel free to stop at our place. It is a bit out of the way, but you're welcome!

  5. I will ask my sister for moving ideas. She moved to Philly last summer. She is poor too!LOL!!

  6. When James and I traveled across the country, we went and stayed with our family along the way. None of us thought of it as mooching, but rather seeing each other. If we were in the path between UT and GA, I would totally love to have you guys crash at our place for the night. :)

  7. I can see wehre he's coming from, but definintly not too moochy! Its not like you're moving in, or overstaying your welcome, you just need a place to crash and possibly eat breakfast. Altho- my parents *always* traveled with a family size cooler (holding milk, apples, carrots, bread, pb/j, maybe some cheese, and some kind of sandwich meat, and at least one bag/box of cereal that we could all agree on.
    I agree with Martha- you're visiting! :)


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