Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Diaper Trick for a Super Leaky Kid

My daughter is 2. She is the only child I have had that leaks throught her diaper every. single. night. Not kidding. It does not matter what kind of diapers I use-- Huggies, Pampers, Luvs, generic...(ok-- some generics are especially bad) but even the best of the brand-names can not contain this child! Every morning I was faced with a wet smelly kid and needing to wash all her bedding, pajamas, and her favorite blanket. That's the main problem. Listening to her cry for 2 hours while her "blankie" gets washed.

Desperate for a solution, I wracked my brain thinking of what else I could do. Enter cloth diapers. -- don't give up yet......KEEP READING--- I bought a pack of cloth diapers from Wal-mart, 12 in the pack for $11.99. Not too bad. Then I bought diaper pins (4 in the pack for $1-2) and plastic pants (6 in the pack for about $5, I think). I did NOT want to wash out stinky, poopy diapers. That just is not something I can deal with at this point in my life, so I got creative. I put a regular Huggies diaper on her and then I pin the cloth diaper OVER the top of the disposable diaper. Put on the plastic pants and pj's and put her to bed. Every. single. morning she has a wet cloth diaper, but it does a good job of absorbing the "excess" that leaked out the regular diaper, and the rest of her bedding, blankets, and PJ's are dry. It has turned out to be cheaper to wash one cloth diaper each day with my regular laundry than to do an extra load every day to wash all her bedding. Total cost was under $20 and I know I have saved that in laundry detergent, water, running my dryer/washer, the wear & tear on my items, and simply my sanity!!

I realize not everyone has this problem. And BLESS YOU if you don't. But for those of us who do, here's a possible solution. If you have other ideas for a kid like this, please pass them on. Potty training will be facing me soon, and I don't know what I am going to do then!!


  1. Good ideas! Max was a super leaky baby. He was always "peeing his back", as we would call it. I certainly could have benefitted from this trick! I'll keep it in mind for little miss Mary who is on the way.

  2. The best way to clean cloth diapers is to pre-rinse them off in the toilet using a Hand Bathroom Bidet Sprayer. So convenient and if you are trying to help the environment (and your pocket book) you can give it a double whammy by virtually eliminating toilet paper use at the same time as you benefit from using it on the diapers, by using it on yourself. I think Dr. Oz on Oprah said it best: "if you had pee or poop on your hand, you wouldn't wipe it off with paper, would you? You'd wash it off" Available at they come in an inexpensive kit and can be installed without a plumber. And after using one of these you won't know how you lasted all those years with wadded up handfuls of toilet paper. Now we're talking green and helping the environment without any pain.

  3. Great idea! But, if you are only really concerned about washing poopy diapers, you could check out cloth diaper liners. They look like super strong strips of toilet paper, and they go in your child's cloth diaper next to her skin. the pee passes through, and the poop get's trapped in the liner. So, you just peel out the liner and wash the rest of the wet diaper like usual. It's a good alternative to buying disposables, because the liners are bio-degradable. Jeff9 also had a good idea about the water sprayer. They are very handy and easy to install. Good luck to you!

    God bless,

  4. Huggies Overnites have saved us. We had the same problem, but the night time diapers work well. $20 for 40--so your way may be a little bit cheaper--okay maybe a lot. But if you don't want to keep washing them, give the night diapers a try.


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