Saturday, February 20, 2010

Disposable Snow Pants

Need a solution for some quick, inexpensive snow pants for your kids? 

(Keep in mind this idea is disposable; it's not a permanent solution). 
I ran across this article titled "Cheap and Easy Disposable Snow Pants" on and I thought I would pass it on.  Certainly, you would want to invest in real snow pants if you live in a climate where it snows regularly, like I do.  Meckmom used this method for traveling and intended for it to be completely disposable because she didn't pack snow pants on her trip. 

She wrapped her kids legs with Glad Press n' Seal, and it worked! Obviously, these aren't going to provide the warmth and padding of regular snow pants, but they would keep your kids dry.

Some of you live in a climate where snow pants are just not needed, but you do occasionally get a snow storm and excited kids who want to play in it.  This solution just might work for you.

1 comment:

  1. Go for functionality before fashionability! Snowboarding is increasingly becoming a 'Cool' sport where many Snowboarders are more interested in being a Cool Dude than in being comfortable and well protected.


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