Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Santa Sacks- No Sew Option

If you want to make the Santa Sacks, but you don't sew, here's a couple of different options.

Step 1:
Purchase pillowcases. You can get them at a thrift store, grab old ones from your linen closet, buy them at the store, whatever works for you. I would recommend using a darker colored pillowcase if that is an option for you, simply because the gifts may show through a white or light-colored fabric.

Step 2:
Purchase some cute fabric ribbon (again, not wired).  There are some fabulous patterned Christmas ribbons available. You could also cut a strip of fabric and pink the edges (like explained in the Santa Sack Instructions post).  I would recommend about a 2"-3" wide ribbon for a nice big bow, but it's up to you. You will want it at least 45" long. Use it to tie your bags closed. Voila! You're done!

If you can, I would recommend at least stitching the ribbon to the back of the bag like shown in the Santa Sack Instructions, but you don't have to do that step. It just keeps the ribbon from getting lost.

Step 3 -Optional Way to Decorate Your Bags:
If you purchased plain pillowcases and you think they are too "boring", then you can get some cute Christmas fabric that has reindeer or Santa or wreaths or whatever on it.  You won't need very much fabric at all. Also purchase some "Wonder Under" at the fabric store. You won't need very much.  Follow the instructions on the Wonder Under

Basically, it works like this: First, you will use your iron to adhere one side of the Wonder Under to the wrong side of the fabric.  Then you cut out the shape that you want from the front of the fabric, such as the reindeer or the Santa that is printed on the fabric.  Then, place the cut out fabric wrong side down onto the right side of the Santa Sack that you have.  Place a damp cloth over both pieces and using a dry iron, press for 15 seconds. Ta da!! You now have a cute embellishment on your Santa Sack.  That's it. That's all there is to it.

You could even cut out the letters of your child's name in a fun Christmas fabric and then iron them onto the sack.  They could be as small or as large as you want. :)

Note: If you want these to last forever, and you DO sew (even a tiny bit), you may want to run a tight zig-zag or a satin-stitch around the edge of each iron-on piece. It will just make them last longer, as after a while the edges will begin to separate from the bag.

I don't have a "Christmas themed" picture to demonstrate this, but I do have one with butterflies (sorry! lol).  My daughter broke her arm 2 weeks ago, and we used this technique to make her sling a lot more fun.  The butterflies are simply cut from a fun patterned material and all I did was iron them in place.  The hearts were simply cut from a plain material using the same idea.  Hopefully you can get the general idea of how this works, if you've never used Wonder Under before. 

I will try to patch some pants using this method and show you how it works, but right now, I have to get some Christmas things done! Happy Holidays everyone!

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