Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Reusable Sandwich Baggies

I have been wracking my brain trying to come up with something to post, since it's been a while since I got creative and thrifty. My husband was out of work most of this year, but since he got a job in August, I've been a little more lax. Unfortunately, he is facing unemployment again in January, so I do have to start thinking of even more ways to cut my budget.

I ran acros this idea on the internet. It is a way to sew a resuable plastic sandwich baggie. Click here for the tutorial. When selecting your velcro for this project, chose the "sew-on" variety, not the sticky-back. When you use sticky-back and try to sew through it, the needle on your sewing machine will get all gunked up with sticky adhesive.

You may want to read through the comments below the original post. There are lots of people who have suggestions or feedback on what they did when they made their own sandwich bags. You might find the solution that is just right for you. Several of them suggest using oil cloth if you have an aversion to using plastic lined fabric on your food. Sewing templates are also provided on their site, but I have also included it here: templates link.
A bonus of this project is when you unwrap your sandwich, you have a clean placemat for your food while eating. That's always nice!

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