Friday, March 27, 2009

Are We No Longer Frugal???

Hey Everyone! It' s been 15 days since our last post. Have we officially run out of ideas? I certainly hope not! I am making a commitment to this blog. Every week I will try something new and blog about it. I'm also going to start throwing out frugal questions to see if I can generate some ideas.

Question: I am NOT crafty. I try, but it takes me a long time. What are some crafty-illiterate-friendly ideas of homemade games to make? We recently moved in with my in-laws for a temporary period of time. They have NO kid games and ours are all packed. I don't want to go and shell out $20 for Candyland or another uber fun kid game. Thoughts? Any website ideas? Other fabulous FREE game ideas for 6 year olds?


  1. You can check out a wide variety of activity boards, etc. from the library. And I will try to think of some "crafty" things for you. Do you want things SHE can make or games YOU can make for her?

  2. I'll have to take a little time to think of some game ideas, but I do have a link for homemade baby wipes I came across awhile ago.

    I haven't tried it yet, but I will. Wipes are so dang expensive, if this works, we'd be saving a lot.

  3. Check out the crafting blog U-Create: I don't know the monetary or time commitment on these things, I just know I saw some that looked cute and fun. Maybe they'll give you ideas.

    Ideas from U-Create...

    Magnetic ABC's

    Modge Podge Easter Eggs:

    Easter Egg Wreath:

    Puppet Theater:

    Spring Banner:

    Baby Doll Cloth Diaper:

    Reversible Girl's Bag:

    Felt Princess Crown and Wand:


    Here's another site I found along the way:
    Home Making Fun: Kid's Activities

    (Oh my gosh, "snow painting" looks like so much fun!)

  4. We made a homemade "memory game" awhile ago with cardstock and stickers. Max loved picking out the stickers to use and putting them on the cards. All you have to do is make severals sets of two cards with matching stickers. Turn them over and find matches. Now we have a fun memory game and it was free! has online games and printable coloring pages

  5. I actually remember my mom did an Easter treasure hunt and we found extra treats (books, coloring books...), we do 'races' for everything under the sun that needs to get done NOW.
    If you can have a friend over Simon Says would be a little bit more fun than her and some grownups, lol.
    And if you really wanted, Walmart does have kid card games for maybe $2. Old Maid, Go Fish, etc. :)

  6. I commented this morning and then we went down and played NAME THAT TUNE with the primary cd's! You could use any cd you care to have her familiar with, but it being Sunday and all... plus then we could sing along with the ones they knew.
    Have some kind of prize for how many she knows or how quick she recognizes or something. Then keep increasing the ones learned!

  7. Emma loves a treasure hunt. I have clues that describe areas all over the house and sometimes she is required to do something like write her name or jump up and down ten times to receive her next clue. I like this one because she does all the running.

  8. I use homemade baby wipes all the time. They are much cheaper than the ones you buy in the store, but you have to get use to them. If you try it, make sure you buy the thick Bounty paper towels because the other brands will fall apart. Here's the recipe:
    #9 rubbermaid container
    cut 1 roll Big Bounty paper towels in half (I use my electic knife, use what you want but remember it will really dull it.)
    1 T baby wash
    1 tsp baby oil
    Then add warm water until the tub is about 1/4 way full
    add paper towels to water, wash and oil mixture
    turn upside and wait until the water trickles down
    Use from the inside of the roll out.
    I use them because they are cheap but my sister-in-laws don't like them. I suppose it's an aquired taste.


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