Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sack Lunch Ideas in a Printable Document

Thanks to my bff,, I think I have figured out how to upload a document to blogger and you can print it from your computer. Yay!  Click here for the uploaded  document for the sack lunch ideas from this post. It seemed like an easier format. And, once again, thanks to my awesome friend Jen for creating this document and sharing it with me. Love her.

If it works, comment and let me know! Yay for google. I knew she wouldn't let me down. :)


  1. the link is linked to the current post, nat. :(

  2. The link took me to a post on Aug 26 as well as the current post... the link within THAT post took me to scribld or something. I didn't try printing the list, but it does look like a much easier to print list than the original blogpost list on Aug 26.

  3. Oh man. I suck. Hold please, I'll fix it! Sorry!

  4. Sorry, guys! I think I fixed it. Try it now. Apparently I shouldn't try to multi-task....

  5. hehe, Thanks for the post :) Nice to hear that you and google are BFF's... I wonder when I will be at this level of connection with it.


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